Shree Om Baba Ji

Social Education and Welfare Trust (Regd.)

Immediate help for widowed women

Women who are widowed often don't have any education or own income. Suddenly, when their husband dies they have no chance to provide a living for their families. Shree Om Baba Ji (Regd.) offers these ladies to do a tailoring class so that they can care for their family by their own and have the golden chance to get a job. Up to that moment the association takes the cost for the livelihood of their families, school fees for the children and so on in order to enable the mothers to be fully dedicated to the seamstress education.

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Immediate help for old ladies

Old ladies, poor and neglected, are living an isolated life - forgotten by families and neighbours. In todays fast moving modern life, younger generations hardly find time to share with and care and for their elders. This ever-widening communication gap between generations might be a reason for the miserable living condition of old ladies. Once they were loving wives and heartful mothers - but now, as they got older, the live forgotten, isolated, emotionally distressed and starving because they can't take care for themselves.

Shree Om Baba Ji (Regd.) cares for these neglected women and offers what they need for a human dignified living.

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Financial Support for Marriage

Young girls from very poor families who would like to marry often have no chance to dare this step. The lack of financial resources is a social constraint for the bride and her whole family. This situation causes desperation and the parents don't see any way out to solemnize the marriage.
Here too, Shree Om Baba Ji (Regd.) helps the families by taking proportionally the costs for the marriage, so that they can perform a relaxed and carefree marriage, joyfully for all.

The only thing that can end poverty is sharing with each other.

(Mother Theresa)