Shree Om Baba Ji

Social Education and Welfare Trust (Regd.)

The charitable association „Shree Om Baba Ji Education and Welfare Trust (Regd.)“

Five poor little children, their improvised huts was swept away by a violent storm – remaining without any shelter, helplessly exposed to the vagaries of weather - that was the beginning of the foundation of Shree Om Baba Ji (Regd.), established in the year 1997 by family Sablok and their team.

The association is registered in Germany, Nuremberg and in India. It is also approved for charitable purposes by the local tax office.
Independent of religion and caste Shree Om Baba Ji (Regd.) takes care of the hard fates of mankind without any administrative burden or interference.

From initially five protegees through the years about 3.200 children attended successfully school and gave their lives a positive change. At the moment about 250 children attend school regularly under the aegis of “Shree Om Baba Ji (Regd.)”.
All of these children could be saved from hard child labor. They got the possibility of learning to read and write and now they can help their families to earn a living. A lot of families have been deep in debt for generations until now because of being illiterates and due to the lack of the opportunity of going to school. Now they are able to read and write and to understand contacts and they can better support their parents in case of administrative issues. The debt burden of the parents will decline and literacy will be promoted effectively and permanently in the future.

Some of the milestones in the history of Shree Om Baba Ji

1997 to 2009:

  • Idea of founding the charitable association & start of the school care for five children
  • School education expanded on two areas
  • Secured school education for altogether 106 protegees


  • New: Founding year of the first tailoring school for poor female
  • Secured school education for 255 protegees


  • New: Care packages for needy people
  • Founding year of the second tailoring school for poor female
  • Secured school education for 341 protegees


  • New: Electrical water wells for 2000 people
  • Six tailoring schools for poor / hard fate female
  • Extension of the care packages for needy people

2014 to 2016:

  • New: Fruit & vegetable distribution for the poor
  • Secured school education for 400 protegees
  • 24 tailoring schools for penniless needy girls and females
  • 750 successful graduates of the tailoring schools so far
  • In the years from 2003 to 2016 about 2950 students
  • Continuation / extensions: electrical water pump, care packages, distribution of warming covers, immediate emergency relief

2017 to 2018:

  • New: Help for abandoned cows
  • 210 very poor girls attending tailoring classes, so far 1230 successful graduated
  • Graduated students so far 3200
  • Continuation / extensions: electrical water pump, care packages, fruit & vegetable and distribution of warming covers, immediate emergency relief

2019 to 2020:

  • New: Covid-19 Support in 2020 (different projects)
  • New: Starting computer classes for girls and young females
  • New: Food distribution in different areas
  • New: Support for old poor forgotten women
  • Continuation / extensions: tailoring classes, electrical water pump, care packages, fruit & vegetable and distribution of warming covers, help for abandoned cows, immediate emergency relief


Aid projects in Nuremberg
  • Wärmestube – Stadtmission/Caritas – Hilfe für Wohnungslose
    Spende von Lebensmitteln und Hygieneartikeln
  • Domus Misericordiae – Notschlafstelle für Männer
    Spende von Lebensmitteln und Hygienebedarf
  • Klinikum Nürnberg – Spende selbstgenähter Mützchen an Leukämiepatienten mit Haarverlust
Weitere Hilfsprojekte in Indien
  • Eröffnung der Computerschule, mit insgesamt 20 Schülerinnen
  • Einpflanzen von ca. 425 Bäumen, zum Erhalt der Umwelt und zum Schutz des Klimas
  • Umgestaltung des vorhandenen Minivans als Nutzfahrzeug für die Baumverpflanzung
  • Spende von gebrauchten bzw. neuen preiswerten Smartphones wegen der Pandemie an sehr arme Schüler für Online-Unterricht
  • 240 hilfsbedürftige Mädchen in Nähausbildung
  • über 2.190 erfolgreiche Absolventinnen der Nähkurse bislang
  • von 2003 – 2021 insgesamt 3.527 Schulkinder, die eine abgeschlossene Schulbildung finanziert bekommen haben