Shree Om Baba Ji

Social Education and Welfare Trust (Regd.)

Tailoring Schools

In 2010 the first tailoring school was opened by Shree Om Baba Ji (Regd.) Especially, the girls and the women are extremely poor, even completely destitute. In their own village they have no chance of education.

The tailoring school is a great blessing for them. In this way they get the golden chance to learn a profession. Many of them shoulder a long burdensome path or a long journey by bus or foot to come to the tailoring school to receive a free education.
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In case of successful completion of education the graduates receive a new sewing machine, cloth and all the equipment they need, for free. So they are able to start their life with great confidence. Generally, they choose the way of self-employment and earn sufficient to feed their and support their family.
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Until today, 24 tailoring schools have been founded which are regularly attended by 210 participants. Every tailoring school is equipped with 8-10 sewing machines and several accessories. No matter how distant the schools are, the sewing machines are regularly maintained by technical teams. The volunteers are not afraid of long and difficultly accessible regions. Often they need a whole day to pick up the machines for maintaining them because the villages are far away or they are located in the deep jungle. In case of need spare parts are procured, defective machines are repaired or new ones are acquired. The related costs are all carried by Shree Om Baba Ji (Regd.) in its entirety.
Meanwhile over 2.190 happy graduates have completed the tailoring school successfully.
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The most beautiful gift you can give to another person is sincere affection.

(Arabic wisdom)